Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Leadership (Revisiting the 5 steps)

Remember Practice Makes Habit!

The qualities that make for good leadership are based on our own personal values and principles. An important part of establishing great leadership habits, begins with our own personal self care. In order to respond productively to the needs of the company we must take responsibility for ourselves and our feelings. Detect, label,let go and respond. Are we reacting out of fear? are we serving an underlying emotion that we have yet to detect?

Actions for personal and professional leadership: Revisited:

Know yourself:

Know what your values, are identify what is important to you. Take the time to know where your strengths and weaknesses are. Remember "Truth" is key. Many successful people live with false self talk, that helps to disguise the areas that need to be worked on. It is natural and healthy to be optimistic, but it is equally important to recognize the areas that truly need improvement.

Find your vision and passion:
See clearly what you want out of life for yourself, your family, your career, society in general. Think about the possibilities, and potential, not just what exists today. Remember do what you do with energy, enthusiasm, joy and energy. If you don't have this or can't find this, it may be time to start asking why?

Take Risks:
Do daring things, take steps in unknown areas. Risk looking foolish and not being perfect all the time. Risk being vulnerable, forthright, emotional, human. Trust you gut, intuition. Make decisions and take action!

Communicate Effectively:

Express your ideas and feelings; be willing to be seen and heard. Stand alone when you speak, learn presentation skills and develop confidence. Learn writing skills. Practice every chance you get. Communicate so your audience will understand and relate to what you say.

Check your progress and results:
Look at what is working and what is not. How do you feel about your life? This is a good sign whether it is working or not. Look at your attitudes and behaviour, ask, " what is my progress, what is holding me back. Make sure you have a goal or vision to focus your energy!

"Peter Urs Bender, (Leadership from within)"

Remember~ Practice makes habit, and good habits create results!

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