Thursday, September 18, 2008

Crazy Lady Found Blogging!

Attention, is psychological gold. It is the lifeline of marketing, the desire of all teachers, and the heart of tabloid magazines.

What we pay attention to and how we pay attention to it, can mean the difference between chaos and disconnection, or fulfillment and strong relationships.

Goals are accomplished by focusing on what we want, taking the steps, then achieving the desired result. A simple concept, with a complex history. Why do most people fail to accomplish their goals? Would it be to bold to suggest that our focus as a society is being pulled in so many directions that we have lost touch with what focus and attention is all about.

Strong relationships are accomplished by giving our undivided attention to someone. Don't we all feel "better connected" with individuals who listen? Don't children respond best when you get on their level and give them your undivided attention.

Two ways to improve attention & focus:

1.) Goals: If you have a goal, whatever it may be, take a certain time each day to pay attention to that goal and that goal ONLY~ nothing else. No blackberry, Television, Cell Phone, T.V., Internet etc.(And watch out for your thoughts, these days we are conditioned to have our minds racing due to the overload of information and stimuli).

2.) Strong Relationships: Set some time to do something with a person you care about. Make sure it is all about them, and give them your undivided attention. The same rules apply; No Blackberry, Television, Cell Phone, T.V. etc. Really turn off and tune in~!

Note: If you have children, this technique can be powerful. Depending on their age, allocate some time daily, weekly, that is all about them. Ask them what they want to do for that 30 minutes or 1 hour, and only pay attention to them, nothing else! Not even in your thoughts.

I'd love to hear some thoughts on achieving goals and or strong relationships; I love comments and shared experiences.


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