Monday, November 17, 2008

Increase your leadership ability with two simple tips!

These two tips of the day are gauranteed to improve your ability to be a better leader. If you are serious about improving your skills as a leader take note of the following two tips. I bring them as an interpretation from my virtual mentor "Marshall Goldsmith", who is considered one of the top executive coaches in the world.

Tip # 1.) Say Thank You...We all know it is standard ettiquette to say these two words. The power in this tip is to say it in situations when you would least expect. How many times has someone offered a suggestion or a comment and you responded with some kind of a comment that could have been replaced with "Thank You, I appreciate your feedback?" or just a simple...Thank You!

Example A: Your assistant brings up a suggestion on a new marketing project you are putting together. Immediately you recognize the suggestion and say, thats a great idea but...blah blah idea is better,(get the picture?)

A simple Thank You, for your suggestion. Or even better I appreciate your feedback. Would work just fine and take away the judgement of the situation. It would turn the turf into neutral ground. Powerful stuff.

Example B: A member of your team has been working day and night. Putting in long hours, and consistantly coming up with solutions, while maintaining a positive attitude. When do you say Thank You? The answer is simple, RIGHT NOW~! There is no harm in Thanking now and Thanking later as well. There is however a little harm potential when you wait to long. People may begin to harbour the feeling that you are not grateful, and during this process suffer unnecessary stress. Do yourself and your team a favour, say THANKS~ Grattitude is the best policy now and always. Consider this the law not the acception.

Tip # 2.) Apologize: Yes, it is o.k. to show you are human~ Recognize areas of weakness, apologize, let people know you are going to try to do better. Check your results. If you set yourself up as someone who is never wrong, you set yourself up for disaster. If you have been a terrible listener, if you lash out regularly and it is obvious apologize. If it is very clear you need to apologize, then you can imagine just how important this is. If you are unsure, then do a blind feedback. Get some good questions out to your people about your leadership, don't ask for names ask for honesty. Go from there.

I hope sharing these tips can help you in your journey to becoming a strong leader.
If you would like more information or just a chat..please feel free to e-mail me or comment any time.

Feedback~ Suggestions + Critique are all WELCOME...and


Monday, November 10, 2008

Give yourself a fighting chance! 3 Tips for creating a successful business.

Lucky for me, I have had the chance to work with some very successful business owners in my lifetime. They have inspired me to do more, be more, and take more risks. I'm a dreamer so this comes naturally. I love the passion and energy I have for coaching and for challenge. Endulging in big picture thinking, theory, and dreams. Such a luxury! Then all of a sudden like an astroid we are hit with the hard facts. Student Loans, Credit Cards, Operating Costs, the Economy as we know it today!

Here are three ingredients to give you a fighting chance at success!

1.) Financials: I know, I know, the F word. Nobody wants to face the harsh reality of the state of finances, especially in North America. The truth is North Americans are rated the worst in the world for saving money, and the majority are stuck paying interest only on debt. What to do?

FACE THE FEAR! Face the F Word head on, create a financial projection for the next 3 months to one year. Be honest, and be BRUTAL~! Ask for help if you need it. Figure you what you need to operate your business? How much will you need for your own lively hood!?

2.) A/R: How will you receive and collect payment for your services? Spend some time on this early on in your business. Will you ask for a retainer for service? Payment up front in full? How will your clients respond to this?

3.) SALES SALES SALES: The problem of too many sales is one I will take any day!
Remember, even in coaching you are selling a product, and that product is you. I've believed for some time now that branding, marketing, and sales involves anything that ever comes in contact with your client or potential customer.

What are you selling? How are you selling it?
What does it look like? Who are you selling to?

More importantly, how much to you have to sell to survive?
What are your projected sales targets, and how will you reach them.

Contact me;

I would love to hear from you! what are your challenges and how can I help you overcome them. Remember, Face the F WORD TODAY! personally and professionally. I GAURANTEE you will sleep better at night.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Today is Show & Tell "What did you bring?"

I'm pretty sure most of us who grew up in North America remember a time in elementary school when we participated in show & tell. Teachers would ask students to bring something of significance to class and we would stand up in front of the class and describe what it was and why we brought it. A terrifying concept for many children as well as adults.

Today, I am exploring the concept of Show & Tell as a powerful coaching tool. Many times coaches are faced with a different kind of show and tell. A client tells them one thing, then shows them another in their actions. Furthermore, show & tell can be used when a coach would like a client to show their actions or fieldwork as well as tell about it.

Show & Tell can also be used in the case of an individual needing to make change. For example, if someone would like to improve on their relationship they can do the following; Show their spouse they love them by doing something sweet, then follow it up by telling them. Using actions and communication to assist with the repair.

Going back to the situation where a client is telling one thing then showing another, a coach could use language to help the client see these repeat actions. For example; I'm hearing you tell me this, then you are showing me this? what does that mean for you? I'm wondering what would be one thing you could do create action that is more in line with what you are telling me?

Continueing with the Show & Tell power tool a coach could use the scenario in this wau. Confirm with the client; So you are telling me XYZ, am I clear on this? I'm wondering, would you like to play a game of show & tell? How about you come up with one action, one tangible goal that you can show me that will reflect what you are telling me, in addition to this go out and find one object of significance to prove that you took this action, take a photo of it, and send it to me. Next week when we speak we will play SHOW and TEll.

In my opinion the applications of this power tool are plenty. It has an element of game, power of language, and the ability to create action.

Any ideas on how "show and tell" can be used as a power tool in coaching?

e-mail me! :>) I love new ideas...

or even better if you think this STINKS ~

OR COMMENT on this posting!

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