Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Path To Perfection

One of my "new standards" I have set for myself is to bring love, light, and joy on a daily basis. Being present and in the moment, enjoying what we have and what we are doing, has a very strong power. Some say you must work hard and take action, others say you must visualize to materialize. It can all be a little overwhelming and confusing at times. It's not that I can't understand the theories or won't accept the concepts, it really just boils down to your values, standards, and priorities at the time. If you try to apply everything at once, energy is going in all different directions. My challenge is to come up with my own "model", I'd like it to be simple, easy to apply, and as encompassing as possible. How does "being present" fit into this equation? Grattitude is being present with your life, accepting it the way it is and understanding that it is perfect. Understanding that in order to have trust in life, you must first realize that it is perfect. How do we realize that it is perfect? We re-frame and conclude that everything is happening and has happened to get us to this point, to change, create and allow us to grow. Once we have settled this within ourselves, we are free to trust that everything is just as it should be. So stop for a minute, think about what you are grateful for? I am grateful that I have been faced with a challenging life. One that has been full of emotion! Strong deep emotion, sadness, pain. Which has led me to grow in so many ways. Every challenge that we face, every problem that we tackle, helps us grow. What kind of boring, useless life would it be if we had nothing to solve. Remember in the movie (The Matrix), they had orginally created a world that was "perfect" but the program failed because mankind wouldn't accept it. Truth be told we need drama, so much that some people are addicted! We need growth, change, challenge all of it! Give yourself the gift of being present, by practicing grattitude and disolving doubt.

The truth is perfection, and perfection is the truth.

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