Thursday, May 15, 2008

Energy flows where attention goes

Driving to work today, I'm in a great mood. The sun is not out yet but I can feel it coming, and the air is warm after all. It's a very short drive I should walk, but that's another goal I will have to tackle. The perfect parking spot right in front of me, mindlessly I pull towards the curb. A blue and white camper van beats me to it, I decide to pull in behind him. Realizing that there is not enough room, I mindlessly pull around him and accidentally cut off another driver. She is rightfully agitated, I continue on. She's behind me and I want to apologize, but as I pull to the stop sign and wait for her, I can see her shaking her head behind me. She's too upset with me at this point. Pulling around to the other side of the parking lot I can see the camper van again. He is parked almost a car length from the car in front of him. It is clear that if he just pulled forward a bit, there would be plenty of room for me to park behind him. Driving and anger seem to go hand in hand. We are frequently frustrated, as soon as we are behind the wheel we can no longer relate to man kind. Everyone is an idiot, and we are in the right of way. I was bothered slightly that the van couldn't be troubled to move forward enough for my car to fit. But what I realized in the moment is how silly it is to allow this tiny little event set the tone for my day. Really it is time to laugh out loud at our selves! How funny is it that these things get us going, we spend this much energy on getting upset, over something so minor. Think about how you started your day, was it shaking your head at someone driving slow in the fast lane? or mumbling discriminating remarks?

It is really up to us to decide where we want our energy and attention to go. If you are spending more time putting energy towards things not in line with your standards and goals, you are literally wasting your time. Think of small ways you can improve where you concentrate your energies. Think again when you get upset about something trivial, is it really worth it? Remember, yesterday may have been good or bad, but today is and can be GREAT!

contact for additional information on how to use your time
and attention wisely.

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