Monday, November 10, 2008

Give yourself a fighting chance! 3 Tips for creating a successful business.

Lucky for me, I have had the chance to work with some very successful business owners in my lifetime. They have inspired me to do more, be more, and take more risks. I'm a dreamer so this comes naturally. I love the passion and energy I have for coaching and for challenge. Endulging in big picture thinking, theory, and dreams. Such a luxury! Then all of a sudden like an astroid we are hit with the hard facts. Student Loans, Credit Cards, Operating Costs, the Economy as we know it today!

Here are three ingredients to give you a fighting chance at success!

1.) Financials: I know, I know, the F word. Nobody wants to face the harsh reality of the state of finances, especially in North America. The truth is North Americans are rated the worst in the world for saving money, and the majority are stuck paying interest only on debt. What to do?

FACE THE FEAR! Face the F Word head on, create a financial projection for the next 3 months to one year. Be honest, and be BRUTAL~! Ask for help if you need it. Figure you what you need to operate your business? How much will you need for your own lively hood!?

2.) A/R: How will you receive and collect payment for your services? Spend some time on this early on in your business. Will you ask for a retainer for service? Payment up front in full? How will your clients respond to this?

3.) SALES SALES SALES: The problem of too many sales is one I will take any day!
Remember, even in coaching you are selling a product, and that product is you. I've believed for some time now that branding, marketing, and sales involves anything that ever comes in contact with your client or potential customer.

What are you selling? How are you selling it?
What does it look like? Who are you selling to?

More importantly, how much to you have to sell to survive?
What are your projected sales targets, and how will you reach them.

Contact me;

I would love to hear from you! what are your challenges and how can I help you overcome them. Remember, Face the F WORD TODAY! personally and professionally. I GAURANTEE you will sleep better at night.

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