Tuesday, May 13, 2008


This is the heavy weight champion of self growth. The top contender for moving forward, and the actual key in hand, to success. I must mention, that in my mind, respect rules above all, even in some cases love. Love does conquer all, but the definition of love is always changing, sometimes its empathy, sometimes its compassion, sometimes its passion. Setting a standard of respect for ourselves and the way we choose to move forward with our lives is laying the foundation for the future.

Over the years I have seen countless examples of people living their lives with very little or no respect for themselves. Ultimately the outcome of living this way is people become a product of their environment. Victimized they ride the roller coaster of life with eyes closed, and forget they have the chance to open them. The ride is full of fear and seems to go no-where, and just when they think there is a break it begins all over again. To make matters worse they don't know any other way and need the ride to feel sane. In other words, they continue to attract what they expect from the world in order to validate their thoughts, and prove to themselves they are right and sane.

The hard truth is this. It doesn't matter who you are, if you would like change, if you would like success and happiness you need to establish respect for yourself first and foremost. How do you establish respect for yourself? Set standards! a code that you live your life by and stick to it. Next, reinforce or set up your boundaries based on these standards. Watch how this can change your life.

If you would like additional information or support; e-mail jennifer@level88.ca

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