Sunday, April 19, 2009

Time, Money, Happiness

I call these the three magic wishes. If you have time you have freedom, if you have money you have choices, if you have happiness you have it all. Being submerged in the world of self-improvement, I often wonder what the magic answer really is. Of course, there are people selling magic potions all of the world, and believe me, plenty of money is being made from these potions. Eventhough, the self-help gluttony has reached monstrous proportions, we are still starving!Its like we are sitting in front of a buffett, filling our plates, sucking back the food and proceeding on for more.

I wanted to bring an idea to the table, not new, I am sure it is just another plankton in the sea of self help. Nevertheless, I propose that one reason we are still starving is because we are filling the equivalent of a black hole. Our core values, standards, morals and day to day operations are in a vaccuum. If we don't take the time to first examine what is important to us on a deeper level and why, we are filling this never ending abyss for all the wrong reasons. Not to mention there is no real solid leverage behind the actions.

Haven't you met people from all walks of life who are not happy and you cannot for the life of you figure out why? The surgeon who wishes he had his brother's life, the actress who is depressed and lonely, the rich man who cannot find a wife, the successful CEO, who is stressed.

All of these examples are people who could fairly unanamously be considered successful by all accounts. They have opportunity to make time for themselves, they have money, they should have happiness right?

Before you buy another potion, review the following steps:

STEP ONE: LIST YOUR VALUES! Find out what you value, what is important to you, things like; Integrity, Charity, Health, Family.

STEP TWO: LIST YOUR STANDARDS: What is your current code of conduct, things you are commited to on a regular basis that make you who you are.

STEP THREE: IDENTIFY an area in your life that you have pain, stress, concern, a problem etc.

STEP FOUR: COMPARE YOUR area of pain with your values. Almost always you will see that something that is causing you pain is because it is not in line with you values~

STEP FIVE: ADD A STANDARD: Now it is time to be accountable and in control of your life, take an action. If you are not happy, if you are in pain, MAKE A CHANGE. Decide what your standard is going to be, how you will make it a standard, and put it it into action. Remember, practice makes habit so "Do or do not, there is no try~"- YODA.

At any given time you are feeling a lack of fullfillment in your life, you are not in line with your values and standards.

Now I am off to listen to Anthony Robbins for my daily potion!:>)

Questions, comments, coaching?

Contact me anytime:

1 comment:

sigsoog said...

Coaching is useful at both individual and group levels. While assessing individual efficiency and commitment, the coach may discover that some are at a much higher level of competence than others.

Leadership Coaching

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