Monday, January 12, 2009

Why should I or anyone Coach? What is the big deal?

Recently I have run into the challenge of understanding the core reasons why I am in the business of coaching. All the typical reasons surfaced, such as: I would like to help people, would like all leaders to realize their full potential, etc. All true. However, something occured to me today that is much more in line with the truth.

I'd like to start a revolution!
A leadership revolution.

A world where leaders inspire, support, listen, encourage and motivate people. Coaching provides a kind of unconditional support that most people never have the privilage of experiencing. I would like to create a major impact with leaders across the world in all organizations in the way they lead and treat their people. My goal is to create a package, service and system that is accessable to all leaders that desire this change. I would like employees to lobby for their leaders to make these changes in order to create workplace environments that are enjoyable and pleasurable.

All leaders deserve to make the necessary behavioural changes to enjoy health relationships at work and at home, while gaining the skills and know how to cope with a hectic work and family life.

Ultimately I would like to create a leadership revolution, adding value to all companies that participate through the following areas.

Increase employee support and motivation

Employees will feel validated and supported

Leaders will increase their E.I. by practicing their newly gained behavioural changes.

Leaders will be able to use these techniques to put their people through similar programs

Leaders will increase their personal happiness


Truth be told, most leaders have the practical skills, education, training experience. In my experience as a manager the real reason people are let go has nothing to do with tangible skills that can be taught, and everything to do with attitude, standards, and overall likeability.

In this competitive market, the edge you have is not only going to be how many technical course you have taken, but more importantly your emotional intelligence.

CHEERS to a new future, where people enjoy going to work everyday.

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