Thursday, June 12, 2008

Appreciating the Dark Side!

Let us take a moment to appreciate the darker things in life. Without darkness there would be no light, nor would we know what the difference is. The dark beauty uses its suduction to feed into our insecurities, our fear, and lack of capability. Driving the desire is our ego, while temptation to feed is the bait. Some of the worlds most fantatastic works of art come from the darkness, either of the mind or of the natural world. Music, Art, Design, Medicine, all of these areas have benefited from darkness in some way or another.

The benefits of darkness can have immediate rewards for many reasons. For example, bursts of anger can immediately send chemical rushes throughout the body, once this has become a habit, the body recieves a chemical high from the experience. Naturally people will feel this, not to mention their brains are now wired to go to that exact feeling immediately like a well oiled machine. Another example of this is the people who are "addicted to drama". Complaining about their problems to anyone who will listen as a means of communication. The reward being they can in some way create a sense of companionship by sharing similar miseries, while at the same time gaining sympathy from others. Further confirming in their minds why they should continue to keep the mind lamp on extra dim and dark.

The lure of the dark is very powerful. It has so many convienient, and immediately satisfying elements. Gratification of our egos is the main function. Artists that have plumitted into dark places, have gone so far dark that they pull raw human emotion out and somehow create somethign we can all relate to. A dark beauty that entices us to relate on that level, envoking emotion, and creating a feeling of normalcy.

There are plenty of things I love about the dark and that come from the dark. A deep appreciation for the contrast between the two sides is something I believe in strongly. It seems clear to me that in order to become whole, to become light, and to live in light love is to understand and appreciate the darkness. In no way am I suggesting that the dark is the place to be, because in the end everyone finds out that it is not. Whether you believe in life after death or not, even people on this planet will die everyday regretting the dark dismall path they chose, or the lifeless lightless day to day self pity.

Many times it is all too easy for individuals to choose to stay in the dark, rather then adjust their mind lamp to a brighter setting. Here is Darkness Defined.

In a state of ignorance; uninformed
Characterized by gloom; dismal
Reflecting only a small fraction of incident light
Lacking or having very little light
Sullen or threatening
Difficult to understand; obscure
Concealed or secret; mysterious
Lacking enlightenment, knowledge, or culture
Exhibiting or stemming from evil characteristics or forces; sinister
Having richness or depth
Being or characterized by morbid or grimly satiric humor

Think about these definitions and how you may be playing into them in your day to day life?

What would change if you decided to turn your mind lamp up one setting, in order to get a brighter perspective?

Could it harm? What are you getting out of being in the dark?

A safe place to hide maybe?

By the way, I am night person;

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