Thursday, June 26, 2008

Action vs. Delay

An interesting paradox to start the day. There are times when action, can become chaos. In my life there are days when action and energy is going is so many directions that it becomes nearly impossible to focus. I imagine ten formula one cars, revving their engines, only to find out they are pointing in different directions and being held back by a cable. Sometimes the most active people can appear to be procrastinating due to their lack of focus. Especially when you throw perfectionism into the mix. I'm a self proclaimed information addict. I don't read fiction, I'm not fond of sit coms, and my idea of a good time usually involves learning something. However, music is something I love, all types creative, realistic, emotional. Movies, Comedy, Fantasy, etc. I will watch. The universe likes action "The Secret", it responds to action. Delay on the other hand, can have positive and negative connotations depending on the perspective. Delay can give us a chance to reflect, to reevaluate or organize in a way that allows us to take action with focus and clarity. For someone who is overly active, it is important take the necessary steps to identify how our energy is going to be streamlined, and focused in a way that is productive rather then spinning our tires in one spot. From my experience, some of the most productive times in my life were spent focusing my mind and energy in the right place. It allowed me to gain clarity about my feelings, and gave me the gift of appreciation and gratitude. Two very powerful energies in this universe. I'm confident there are many people out there who feel their energy is being blasted in twenty different directions all day long, many people who are addicted to action, many people who feel that the only way to feel value or to show value is to be overly active. Challenge your perspectives daily, gain a new insight where your energy can or should be focused. Take action by recognizing that pausing (or delay) can give you space to focus, or gain clarity. Once you have it, take ACTION in the direction that you have gained.

Love this life!

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